english cyrillic
иңглиш сирилиҡ
иңглиш сирилиҡ
Letter | IPA | Example | Respelling (RP) | Notes |
Аа | /ɑː/ | father | фаҙэ | this ones easy peasy its just a (ig it couldve been /æ/ but just you wait we've got a hole nother letter for that coming soon) |
Ӓӓ | /æ/ | apple | ӓпэл | afformentioned other letter makes its long awaited debut: its used for /æ/ in hill mari and gagauz, and used for other junk in some other languages! it can be used for [a] too in british dialects and stuff (in general just assume the values represent moreso their lexical set than specific qualities, id be here all day if i did every seperate phonetic quality) |
Бб | /b/ | bit | бит | un B leivably, its just /b/. this is how this is normally used |
Вв | /v/ | villain | вилэн | un V leivably, its not /b/. this is how this is normally used |
Гг | /ɡ/ | gills | гилз | this is how this is normally used |
Дд | /d/ | dome | дэўм | this is how this is normally used |
Ее | /ɛ/ | bed | бед | if youre familiar with russian cyrillic you might be like wth isnt it /je/ but theres plenty of languages where its stuff like /e/ and /ɛ/, like bulgarian, ukrainian, serbian and some other junk |
Жж | /ʒ/ | treasure | трежэ | this is how this is normally used |
Зз | /z/ | zero | зиирɵ | this is how this is normally used |
Ҙҙ | /ð/ | this | ҙис | if youre familiar with most cyrillics you might not recognise this but its for real its in bashkir, where its /ð/ (just like here :0) |
Ии | /ɪ/ | win | ўилл | this is used for /i/ in russian, so you might expect it to be that but: nope its /ɪ/ ive seen the idea of writing /ɪ/ with just Ii which IS in some cyrillic variants but i dont like it all that much it feels too latinny and i figured it could be avoided by using Ии for /ɪ/ and then writing /iː/ with ий (since like its actually [ɪj] at least a lot of the time i think altho maybe thats only in some dialects im not really sure) |
Йй | /j/ | yellow | йелɵ | this is how this is normally used, its the semivowel form of /ɪ/ so its written like that but with a breve (memory) |
Кк | /k/ | cat | кӓт | this is how this is normally used |
Лл | /l/ | left | лефт | this is how this is normally used |
Мм | /m/ | milk | милк | this is how this is normally used |
Нн | /n/ | nest | нест | this is how this is normally used, kinda like Вв you might get confused cos it looks like a latin letter but get this: its not that |
Ңң | /ŋ/ | sing | сиң | this is how this is normally used, except in all the slavic languages where its not used so shoutout to various turkic languages for this mad ugly letter (if you can find anything better feel FREE to use that im not such a big fan of how this looks but yknow its watev) |
Оо | /ɒ/ | cold | колд | this is usually /o/, but thats not much use so i used it for the definitive O-sound of english (sorry americans youre NOT allowed this letter get a better vowel inventory next time) |
Ӧӧ | /oː/ | boat | бӧт | i kinda had no idea what to use for this so here u go ӧ why not, if you're confused what sound this is supposed to be dw u dont have to care its for dialects in which the GOAT lexical set is monophtongal like a lot of northern english and such |
Өө | /ɔː/ | caught | көт | in some turkic languages or some biz, might be the wrong sound but u get the picture basically the THOUGHT lexical set (dont worry americans you get the next one!) |
Пп | /p/ | paste | пейст | this is how this is normally used |
Рр | /R/ | reach | рийч | wth thats not r except yea it is get with the cyrillic /p/ is the one above (i wrote /R/ cos like theres mad variation in rhotics but theres only ever one at a time to my knowledge (except for like the t flapping americans do but that doesnt count its not phonemic) so just use it for whatever one ur tryna write) |
Сс | /s/ | sun | сын | this is how this is normally used yea blah blah just like a buncha the other ones it looks like latin but oh no its a different thing yea u get it by now i dont need to point it out every time |
Ҫҫ | /θ/ | think | ҫиңк | this ones kinda like ҙ except it uses the voiceless alveolar fricative to get the voiceless bidental fricative woohoo its also from bashkir |
Тт | /t/ | time | тайм | this is how this is normally used |
Уу | /ʊ/ | wool | ўул | its not normally used for this but it is in uhhhhhhhhhh mongolian cyrillic there u go |
Ўў | /w/ | west | ўест | (memory reactivate) this ones a lot rarer tham й to my knowledge its only in 1 (one) slavic language belarusian! just like how й was the semivowel version of и, ў is the semivowel version of у! also like ий you should use уў for /uː/ (which like /iː/ is secretly not /uː/ at all but something more like [ʉw] i think idk might also depend on dialect) |
Фф | /f/ | knife | найф | this is how this is normally used |
Хх | /h/ | happy | хӓпий | this is usually /x/ but theres no such sound in english (despite what SOME people will try and tell you) so it goes to /h/ |
Чч | /tʃ/ | choice | чɵйс | this is how this is normally used |
Џџ / Дждж | /d͡ʒ/ | jump | џымп/джымпtd> | idk how to really do this good ngl theres џ from macedonian, or just yknow use дж (or a fun ligature like ԫ but that kinda sucks to render and i dont think it exists anymore in any language full on archaic letter but yknow its whatev do whatever u like its hardly like theres rules) |
Шш | /ʃ/ | shake | шейк | this is how this is normally used |
Ыы | /ʌ/ | love | лыв | as far as i know ы is never used for this sound but like come on you try and find smth better then this is why i said id have to finish making it cos i dont really know about some of these but like i think this is the best for this sound so here u go |
Ээ / Әә | /ə/ | about | эбӓўт/әбӓўт | this ones in moldovan, you can also use the other one too its used some places idk dont make me get more links but its uglier and looks more IPAey but yknow its there |
Юю | /jʉw/ | cute | кют | normal cyrillic has a buncha these iotated vowels but the only one i think is useful for english is ю so here u go |
long vowels
in dialects where its relevent, long vowels with direct short vowel equivilents can be written by doubling up their short letters (so <ии> for /ɪː/, <ӓӓ> for and so on)
this includes <ээ/әә> for /әː/, even when its not actually that just the non-rhotic NURSE lexical set in general (if it even ever is not actually that)
other phonemes
uhh did i miss any i cant think of any off the top of my head but yknow theres not that much room there so i mightve
if youre actually curious for some reason and you actually even know what a phoneme is ask ig
if you ask for /x/, you can write it with a gif of yukari from girls und panzer cos its not a real phoneme youll never write that (kinda sad tbh i like yukari)